Anything you can sing, this 12-year-old can sing in 80 languages!


Published: 2017-11-12 11:20

Last Updated: 2024-07-13 03:08

With all these skills under her belt, Satish is hoping to become a doctor just like her father. (YouTube)
With all these skills under her belt, Satish is hoping to become a doctor just like her father. (YouTube)

We all hum to popular songs we don’t know the lyrics to, especially those in a different language to ours. But this little girl from India does more than just hum: she can sing in 80 languages!

Suchetha Satish, 12, is so good at what she does, she’s going to attempt to break “the Guinness World Record in singing in most languages in one concert,” according to Gulf News.

As we speak, 51-year-old Kesiraju Srinivas, popularly known as Ghazal Srinivas, holds the world record (76 songs - June 2-3, 2008) that Satish will be attempting to break on 29 December.

If she hits all the right notes, Satish will smash his record by singing in 85 languages.

The gifted child told Gulf News that it took her just one year to master singing in all those languages.

Satish’s mother said that besides learning Carnatic music at age 4 and Hindustani music at age 8, her daughter has been showing a distinct flair for languages for as long as she can remember, according to Gulf News.

“When we visit any country, she catches the language there very fast and remembers the words,” she said.

The Indian native was already able to sing in some Indian languages and in English from a young age, but her interest in other languages is much more recent.

“My first song in a foreign language was in Japanese,” said Satish.

“My father’s friend, a Japanese dermatologist, came to Dubai a year ago. When she came home, she sang a Japanese song. I liked it very much and learnt it.”

Satish lives in the UAE with her parents.

“Since I am already learning Arabic and because it is the language of the UAE, I started learning Arabic songs,” said Satish.

“Then I learnt Tagalog since there are a lot of Filipino expats here.”

While most of us sit around browsing the internet after work, Satish spends her time learning songs in new languages almost every week.

Satish couldn’t have done this without her parents, who help her pick new languages from the recognised list of world languages, as well as checking their age-appropriateness.

Singing with the correct pronunciation is of great importance to the talented girl as well.

Luckily, her dermatologist father’s patients and friends help her with her pronunciation.

“It is only because I live here that I got such big support from people speaking various languages. They have helped me in singing with correct pronunciation.”

And if a song has a karaoke version, it makes it much easier for Satish to learn.

“Usually I take around two hours to learn a song. If it is easy to pronounce, I can learn it fast. If it is not a lengthy song, I can finish in half an hour.”

German, Hungarian and French were the most difficult languages for the singer to learn.

“I took a couple of days to learn those songs.”

What makes this young lady even cooler is knowing that next month, she will be singing all her songs without the help of written lyrics. Yes, she has learnt all the words off by heart.

Not only is Satish so amazing at singing in different languages, but, get this: she is a Spelling Bee champion, an outstanding dancer and a recipient of the Sheikh Hamdan Award for Academic Excellence.

With all these skills under her belt, Satish is hoping to become a doctor just like her father.