WATCH: Airplane sinks in Jordan's Aqaba


Published: 2017-11-16 16:27

Last Updated: 2024-07-12 15:02

The aircraft before it sunk. (Roya)
The aircraft before it sunk. (Roya)

An S-130 military aircraft has been sunk in Jordan’s Gulf of Aqaba, following orders from the Kingdom’s King Abdullah.

The hope is for the aircraft to form the basis of a coral growth station and act as a tourist attraction for divers in the coastal city.

The plane has had an interesting life, having started out in the military in 1956, where it was used by the Royal aircraft to carry out several flights.

The military aircraft joins its fellow automobile, a tank, who was dumped at sea decades ago to help form another atypical habitat for coral.

Aqaba, which lies at the tip of the Red Sea, is a popular tourist destination, with its warm waters and rich marine life attracting divers from across the world.