China launches Algeria's first telecommunications satellite into space


Published: 2017-12-11 09:51

Last Updated: 2024-07-14 04:19

A Long March 3B rocket launches Alergia's Alcomsat-1 telecommunications satellite. (Xinhua)
A Long March 3B rocket launches Alergia's Alcomsat-1 telecommunications satellite. (Xinhua)

On Sunday, 11 December, 2017, Algeria “went to space” again.

China Great Wall Industry Corp. (CGWIC) launched Alcomsat-1: Algeria’s first telecommunications satellite.

The satellite was fired up into outer space aboard a Long March 3B rocket at 11:40 am Eastern to geostationary transfer orbit, the Algerian press agency APS reported.

A statement released by CGWIC said that the “5,225-kilogram satellite carries a 33-transponder payload comprised of 19 in Ku-band, 12 in Ka-band and two in L-band.”

While the satellite was built and launched into space by CGWIC, the Algerian Space Agency (ASAL) will operate Alcomsat-1, which says has a design life of 15 years.

The Alcomsat-1 program will “support television broadcasting as well as broadband communications for remote education, e-government, and other services,” according to

This isn’t going to be the last space cooperation between Algeria and China.

CGWIC said that “more space programs are expected to be initiated soon.”