Last 50 days of winter ‘Khamsiniyeh’ to begin on Tuesday


Published: 2018-01-29 15:21

Last Updated: 2024-07-14 08:27

Frost formed in Tafila as temperatures dropped during the weekend.
Frost formed in Tafila as temperatures dropped during the weekend.

January 30th will mark the end of the coldest 40 days of the year, and the start of the last 50 days of winter, in which temperatures are expected to rise slightly compared to the previous period.

The last 50 days of winter are referred to in Jordan as ‘Khamsiniyeh’, originally taken from the word ‘Khamsin,’ which means 'fifty' in Arabic. The cold weather pattern usually occurs during the 50-day timeframe.

Meanwhile, the coldest 40 days of the year are locally referred to as ‘Marba'niyeh,’ which translates into 'Forty days'.

During the Marba'niyeh, the country witnessed several cold depressions and low temperatures that brought with them heavy rainfall and even snow in some governorates.

The Director of the Jordan Meteorological Department (JMD) said that this year’s ‘Marbaniyeh’ registered noticeable improvement in the annual average rainfall.

In terms of temperature, average temperatures in the capital ranged between a maximum of 14 degrees Celsius and a minimum of 7.3 degrees Celsius.

On Monday, cold and cloudy weather is expected with a weak chance of scattered showers, mainly in the northern and central parts of the Kingdom.

The first two days of ‘Khamsiniyeh’ are expected to witness a slight rise in temperatures, bringing relatively cold conditions in the highlands and the desert region.

Frost and ice formation are also forecast in the evening with light winds.

Last week, polar depression was expected to bring snowfall to Amman. However, the forecasts were inaccurate and snowfall was only witnessed in several southern parts of the country.