Cristiano Ronaldo voices support for Eastern Ghouta


Published: 2018-03-14 11:01

Last Updated: 2023-11-17 05:37

Cristiano Ronaldo with a Syrian refugee child whose father was tripped by a camerawoman in Hungary (DailySabah)
Cristiano Ronaldo with a Syrian refugee child whose father was tripped by a camerawoman in Hungary (DailySabah)

The Portuguese world-renowned football player, Cristiano Ronaldo has shared a video on his Facebook and Twitter accounts in support of Syrian children in Eastern Ghouta.The video projects civilians being bombed in the besieged area in February 2018 and urges them to "Be strong. Have faith. Never give up”.

His post draws attention to the suffering of Syrians in Eastern Ghouta in the last three weeks of bombardment during which more than 1,100 civilians have been killed, among them hundreds of women and children.

Ronaldo works with children’s rights NGO, Save the Children, and has shared their video as part of a social media campaign launched on March 9.

The campaign is called “7 Words For Syria” and is launched as the Syrian conflict enters its eighth year on March 15th. Save the Children has called on people to send words of hope for the Syrian children by urging viewers to “Send Syrian Kids Hope in Seven Words and with #7WordsForSyria. Be sure to tag @SavetheChildren and we’ll deliver these messages to the world leaders.”

This is not the first time Ronaldo voices support for Syrian children. Earlier in 2016, he released a video showing his support and made a “generous contribution” to families affected by the conflict in Syria, according to Save the Children.

As hundreds were killed and thousands injured in Eastern Ghouta in the last three weeks, the UN called for the urgent evacuation of more than 1,000 sick and wounded residents who are in need of immediate medical help.

The brutal attack on Eastern Ghouta started on March 1, when the Syrian army and its allies tried to retake the last remaining opposition-held enclave.

Syrian state media claims Assad has sworn to end insurgent shelling of the capital, as the Syrian army breaks apart the rebel enclave. Eastern Ghouta has been divided into two parts after the army intensified its bombardment in the region over the weekend, Reuters reported. The first is Douma, the largest city in Eastern Ghouta and main rebel supply route, the other- the town of Harasta which was isolated from the rest of the enclave by regime forces.