Blue whale makes Aqaba appearance


Published: 2018-06-02 13:00

Last Updated: 2024-07-13 05:33

This whale is about 24 meters long, Live Science reported.
This whale is about 24 meters long, Live Science reported.

Two days after a single blue whale was spotted near the Egyptian coasts on the Red Sea, the whale made its way to Jordan’s Aqaba port, Petra news agency reported on Saturday.

The whale was sighted by beach goers and according to marine experts it has crossed over two thousand kilometers in order to reach Jordan’s only port to the Red Sea.

The endangered species, or Balaenoptera musculus, as it is scientifically known, "entered the Red Sea from the Indian Ocean via the Bab al-Mandab Strait," Director of Egypt’s Red Sea Nature Preserve, Ahmed Ghallab, explained.

Blue whales are the largest animals on earth, reaching up to 30 meters in length and 180 tonnes in weight. This whale is about 24 meters long, Live Science reported.

These whales use colder waters for its feeding ground but heads towards warmer still waters for its socializing and mating season, according to

Other than its impressive size, the animal is known for its loud calls that can be heard from miles away.

Despite the animal being the largest on Earth and considered an apex predator, it generally does not pose a threat to humans. Nevertheless, authorities have cautioned swimmers to stay clear from the majestic animal and observe it from afar.