King Abdullah, Crown Prince Hussein perform Eid prayers in Aqaba


Published: 2018-06-15 11:00

Last Updated: 2024-07-13 05:47

King Abdullah and Crown Prince Hussein during Friday prayer.
King Abdullah and Crown Prince Hussein during Friday prayer.

Eid Al-Fitr is finally upon us and his Majesty King Abdullah and Crown Prince Hussein celebrated the Muslim holiday by performing Eid prayers in the Royal Guard Mosque in Aqaba.

Worshipers, including the royals listened to the Friday sermon delivered by Sheikh Mohammad Huteibat, in which he addressed the virtues of compassion and affection associated with performing religious duties during Ramadan and the values associated with Eid.

Huteibat stressed that Eid comes to reaffirm values experienced during the holy month and that one of its greatest purposes is to bring joy to the hearts of worshipers. He also reminded the audience of its social message that calls for righteousness and communication, and a national unity despite regional challenges.

The Royal Guard Mosque in Aqaba has hosted King Abdullah on numerous occasions. His most recent visit was when he joined worshipers for Friday prayers last June.

The Eid holiday will be four days, ending on Monday. You can check out the weather conditions during that time here.