Breaking: Rockets fired from Gaza near Tel Aviv, Beersheba


Published: 2018-10-17 08:29

Last Updated: 2024-07-01 08:38

The Gazan rocket fell on top of a house in Beersheba. (
The Gazan rocket fell on top of a house in Beersheba. (

Two rockets were launched from Gaza at the coastal area near Tel Aviv on Wednesday morning, October 17, 2018, according to the Maan news agency.

This comes after the Israel Air Force fired rockets at the Gaza Strip early Wednesday morning, leaving at least Gazans injured and one killed, The Jerusalem Post reported, citing local Palestinian media.

The rockets were aimed at several targets across the Strip, and come following an attack from Gaza on Beersheba, which resulted in the injury of nine Israeli civilians after the rocket landed on top of a house.

According to the Israeli military, a second rocket was fired by Hamas from Gaza earlier today, but unconfirmed reports said that it landed in the sea near the central Israeli city of Bat Yam south of Tel Aviv.

Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman responded to the attack by closing the Erez and Kerem Shalom crossings and reducing the fishing space in the Gaza Strip to only 3 nautical miles.

On Tuesday, October 16, 2018, Liberman held a “situation assessment at the Gaza Division” to discuss the decisions that need to be made regarding the barricaded city.

"We have exhausted all of the options and all of the possibilities. Now is the time to make decisions,” Liberman said of the ongoing violent “March of Return” riots along the Gaza security fence.

"The defense establishment has done everything to reach the situation before March 29, before the violence on the border broke out—we did this our way, by using force, by using persuasion, by cooperating with those who wanted to help.There were all sorts of attempts to reach an arrangement led by Egypt and the UN and UN envoy. We tried all of the other ways, but unfortunately I don’t see any results."

Early August was the last time a rocket was launched from Gaza at Beersheba, landing 40km outside the coastal enclave into an open area.

Israel responded by attacking a multi-storey building in Gaza city, leaving at least 18 Palestinians injured.