Israel arrests Governor of Jerusalem, Head of Intelligence


Published: 2018-10-21 09:50

Last Updated: 2023-11-17 23:19

Israel arrests Governor of Jerusalem, Head of Intelligence
Israel arrests Governor of Jerusalem, Head of Intelligence

Israeli occupation forces kidnapped the governor of Jerusalem, Adnan Ghaith, on Saturday evening, October 21, 2018, from the town of Beit Hanina, north of Jerusalem.

According to the Palestinian news agency ‘Maan’, eyewitnesses reported that the Israeli Intelligence ambushed the vehicle of the governor of Jerusalem in Beit Hanina, and kidnapped him.

Earlier that day, the Israeli occupation forces had detained the head of the Palestinian Intelligence in Jerusalem, Colonel Jihad Faqeeh, at a military checkpoint.

Local sources said that the Israeli forces arrested Faqeeh from inside his car while he was on his way to work.

These arrests come as part of an Israeli campaign in Jerusalem, Khan al-Ahmar, and other occupied territories.