People of Aqaba demand their right to run their city


Published: 2019-02-23 10:05

Last Updated: 2024-07-10 20:01

People of Aqaba demand their right to run their city
People of Aqaba demand their right to run their city

The residents of Aqaba Governorate deplored the recent administrative positions appointments at the Aqaba Development Company, the Aqaba Airports Company, and the Special Economic Zone Authority.

They called in a statement addressed to Prime Minister Omar Razzaz on Friday evening on the right of these administrative positions, stressing that they are better able to manage the affairs of their own city and solve their problems and crises.

Regarding the march organized by Aqaba unemployed citizen who walked from Aqaba to Amman to reach the Royal Hashemite Court, the statement said that it is the result of the lack of management of the city by its citizens.

Read more: Job seekers march from Irbid and Aqaba to Amman