Karak public prosecutor decides to detain Roya's correspondent following attack on Roya crew


Published: 2019-09-08 17:47

Last Updated: 2024-07-10 00:37

Karak public prosecutor decides to detain Roya's correspondent following attack on Roya crew
Karak public prosecutor decides to detain Roya's correspondent following attack on Roya crew

The public prosecutor in Karak has decided to detain Roya's correspondent in the governorate, Mohammad AlKafaween following a complaint filed by one of the teachers who attacked Roya crew.

The crew were covering the teachers' strike that started today during a live broadcast on Roya TV screen this morning in southern Mazar. 

AlKafaween was conducting an interview with one of the citizens "an activist" outside a school in the area.

For its part, Roya has also filed a formal complaint against the aggressors.

Read more: Teachers Syndicate issues statement after teachers attacked Roya crew in Karak