Hani Mulki, Talal Kofahi sworn in as members of Senate


Published: 2019-11-10 14:44

Last Updated: 2024-07-12 19:50

Hani Mulki, Talal Kofahi sworn in as members of Senate
Hani Mulki, Talal Kofahi sworn in as members of Senate

Former Prime Minister Hani Mulki and the former director of the Civil Defense Directorate (CDD), Talal Kofahi were sworn in as members of the Senate today.

The Senate has elected a committee to reply to the Speech from the Throne which was delivered by His Majesty King Abdullah II today.

Members of the committee are Samir Rifai, Kamal Al Nasser, Naser Allawzi, Haidar Mahmoud and Haifa Al-Najjar.

Also read: Royal Decrees appoint Mulki, Kofahi as senators