State Minister for Media Affairs: Jordan free from coronavirus cases


Published: 2020-02-25 16:19

Last Updated: 2023-11-17 16:53

State Minister for Media Affairs: Jordan free from coronavirus cases
State Minister for Media Affairs: Jordan free from coronavirus cases

The Kingdom is free from cases of infection with the novel coronavirus, State Minister for Media Affairs Amjad al-Adaileh declared.

During a press briefing on Tuesday, February 2 Adaileh dispelled a rumor by media outlets and social media users that a Chinese woman working in the ancient city of Petra is infected with coronavirus.

The woman is free from infection and is in good health, the Ministry of Health said.

The Health Ministry took all the necessary precautions to combat the virus, including the installation of thermal testing devices at border crossings, the minister added.

Other measures include denying entry for travelers coming from countries where the virus has spread, preparing an integrated hospital to isolate suspected cases, and conducting medical checks on them, he stated.

Adaileh called for relying on information coming from official sources, lauding the media for releasing accurate information and facts.

He also urged the public to respect the privacy of Jordan's guests, including tourists and foreign workers, pointing out that a tourist coming from countries where the virus has spread does not mean infection.

The minister said that Jordan will stand by all the countries where the virus had spread, wishing those infected recovery.