Protestors condemn Israeli annexation plans outside US Embassy in Amman


Published: 2020-07-04 18:34

Last Updated: 2024-07-13 04:59

Protestors condemn Israeli annexation plans outside US Embassy in Amman
Protestors condemn Israeli annexation plans outside US Embassy in Amman

Protesters took to the streets outside the American Embassy in Amman on Friday, criticising the U.S.’s support for Israel’s planned annexation of the West Bank.

“We’d give our souls, we’d give our blood, for you Aqsa,” chanted protesters in reference to Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa mosque, as they waved Palestinian flags and held up posters also showing opposition to the Deal of The Century.

Riot police were deployed to the area to prevent protestors from entering the grounds of the embassy over fears of violence.