Fears of impact to Jordan's economy as threat of second lockdown looms


Published: 2020-08-13 10:10

Last Updated: 2024-07-09 05:34

Fears of impact to Jordan's economy as threat of second lockdown looms
Fears of impact to Jordan's economy as threat of second lockdown looms

Fears have been raised over the possibility of a new lockdown following an influx of local COVID-19 cases in Jordan, however the government said a second lockdown would be the last resort, fearing the impact it will have on the Kingdom’s economy.

Economic experts have said the country will not be able to handle another lockdown and that many economic and commercial sectors are still dealing with the ramifications of the first one.

The government said a lockdown is a final resort but first and foremost the country’s coronavirus status will remain the determiner as to whether a lockdown is needed.