People question feasibility of Friday lockdown


Published: 2020-09-03 15:33

Last Updated: 2024-07-03 08:23

People question feasibility of Friday lockdown
People question feasibility of Friday lockdown

Many Jordanians have questioned the feasibility of imposing a total lockdown on Friday in Amman and Zarqa for the second week, since a lot families are leaving both governorates during the lockdown.

People on social media expressed their dissatisfaction with the decision, one of the tweets included: “It [lockdown] will increase the economic, psychological and social losses for people, especially people whose work depends on Fridays, like merchants and delivery.”

In another tweet, as a response to the Minister of State for Media Affairs, Amjad Adaileh, one tweeted “The topic has become clear. You want to encourage domestic tourism, and fill up the hotels in Aqaba and the Dead Sea.”

Another tweet was: "If someone knows what the purpose for the #friday_lockdown is, tell me, I swear Einstein wouldn’t be able [to tell].”

Another person tweeted “How does coronavirus know the days and the holidays?”