Epidemics Committee member: no lockdown recommendations were made


Published: 2020-10-18 12:20

Last Updated: 2023-11-17 01:33

Epidemics Committee member: no lockdown recommendations were made
Epidemics Committee member: no lockdown recommendations were made

The National Committee for Epidemics did not make any recommendations yet regarding a short or long total lockdown in Jordan, said a source from committee on Sunday.

The committee is scheduled to meet in the coming few days to discuss different suggestions regarding a total lockdown as well as how beneficial it would be in combatting coronavirus.

The two-day lockdown has limited benefits regarding reducing the number of people who come into contact with positive cases, the source said.

Some committee members believe there is a need for a long total lockdown, but the majority call for a partial lockdown or are against imposing a long total lockdown, the source added.

Most members believe the committee should work on raising awareness among citizens and push for compliance with health and safety measures including wearing facemasks, sanitising and social distancing.

The source said the Crisis Management Cell will not follow the committee's recommendations if the number of cases continues to increase.