Higher Education Ministry announces guidelines for university, college final examinations


Published: 2021-04-27 19:52

Last Updated: 2024-07-03 21:38

Higher Education Ministry announces guidelines for university, college final examinations
Higher Education Ministry announces guidelines for university, college final examinations

The Higher Education Council decided, in its session held Tuesday, under the chairmanship of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Muhammad Abu Qdais, to apply the following principles with regard to the final exams in Jordanian universities and university colleges for the second semester of the academic year 2020-2021:

First: Bachelor's degree students:

1- Final written examinations for all courses and in all majors will be conducted electronically (remotely) with all necessary measures taken to ensure the credibility of these examinations.

2- Final exams for some courses whose examinations cannot be held remotely, and whose nature requires practical evaluation, will be conducted in front of the university campus in a usual examination setting with separate time slots to ensure that there is no overcrowding on site at once, therefore adhering to public health and safety.

3- Students are left free to choose the subjects that go towards their GPA in terms of second semester subjects, with the exception of clinical stage students in the fields of medicine and dentistry (the grading system in force at the university is applied to them normally).

4- Universities can decide on measures and arrangements it deems appropriate for students to present their graduation projects in various disciplines.

Second: Junior community college students (Mid-level applied education):

1- Students in Junior community college will have the same measures applied to them as undergraduate students.

2- The comprehensive examination will be conducted on the college campus in the usual manner, with the introduction of time slots to ensure that there is no overcrowding on site at once, therefore adhering to public health and safety.

Third: Postgraduate students:

1- Postgraduate students (higher diploma/master/doctorate) will have the same measures applied to them as undergraduate students.

2- Comprehensive exams and university proficiency examinations for students will be held on the campus in the usual manner, with the introduction of time slots to ensure that there is no overcrowding on site at once, therefore adhering to public health and safety.

Fourth: Students residing outside the Kingdom (All education levels):

In the event that students (studying in Jordan) are not able to return to the Kingdom to take final exams for courses whose exams cannot be held remotely, or for comprehensive exams for master's students, university proficiency examinations for doctoral students, and discussions of master's and doctoral theses, then the university is left free to evaluate them and conduct the final exams in the way it deems appropriate, or to discuss their dissertations and theses remotely, or to give them an incomplete mark in these courses.

Fifthly: The Higher Education Council directed universities to apply the following:

1- In the examinations that are held remotely, there should be a balance between the number and type of examination questions and the time available for students to answer these questions.

2- Adherence to all procedures stipulated in the guide to returning to universities and colleges for students who must return to campuses to take final exams.