Kharabsheh comments on gas truck music poll


Published: 2021-04-28 09:22

Last Updated: 2024-07-13 07:24

Kharabsheh comments on gas truck music poll
Kharabsheh comments on gas truck music poll

Tuesday, the former Minister of Health and former head of the COVID-19 Situation Assessment Committee Saad al-Kharabsheh commented on the poll shared by the Energy and Minerals Regulatory Commission (EMRC) asking people about their opinion on the sound of the gas truck music.

Kharabsheh tweeted saying if the music of gas trucks 'annoys the government,' it is more important to do something about the sound of junk trucks first.

Also Read: Government asks Jordanians about opinions on gas truck music

Monday, the commission asked citizens on their website, how they thought about keeping music as a siren to notify citizens and residents of the arrival of propane gas distribution trucks in their areas.