RHC's Royal Protocol issues statement regarding Prince Muhammad bin Talal burial ceremony


Published: 2021-04-30 10:45

Last Updated: 2024-07-03 12:59

RHC's Royal Protocol issues statement regarding Prince Muhammad bin Talal burial ceremony
RHC's Royal Protocol issues statement regarding Prince Muhammad bin Talal burial ceremony

The Royal Protocol at the Royal Hashemite Court (RHC) issued a statement announcing that His late Royal Highness Prince Muhammad bin Talal will be laid to rest Friday.

The burial ceremony will depart from the palace of the late Prince Muhammad to the Royal Guards Mosque at 11:55 am.

His Majesty King Abdullah II and His Royal Highness the Crown Prine Al Hussein bin Abdullah II will both attend the ceremony.

Due to public health concerns and in compliance with public safety measures due to the coronavirus pandemic, a limited number of Royal Hashemite Family members will be present at the Royal Guards Mosque at 12:10 pm.

Below is the list of people who were invited to attend the ceremony:

- HRH Prince El Hassan bin Talal

- HRH Prince Faisal bin Al Hussein

- HRH Ali bin Al Hussein

- HRH Hamzah bin Al Hussein

- HRH Prince Hashim bin Al Hussein

- HRH Prince Talal bin Muhammad

- HRH Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad

- HRH Prince Rashid bin Al Hassan

- HRH Prince Omar bin Faisal bin Al Hussein

- HRH Prince Hussein bin Talal bin Muhammad

- HRH Prince Muhammad bin Talal bin Muhammad

- HRH Prince Ali bin Nayef

- HRH Prince "Muhammad Abbas" bin Ali bin Nayef

- HRH Prince Asem bin Nayef

- HRH Prince Nayef bin Asem bin Nayef

- HRH Prince Ra'ad bin Zeid

- HRH Prince Mired bin Ra'ad bin Zeid

- His Excellency Sharif Shaker bin Zeid bin Shaker

- His Excellency Sharif Ghazi Bin Shaker Bin Zeid

- His Excellency Sharif Jamil bin Nasser bin Jamil

- His Excellency Sharif Hussein bin Nasser bin Jamil

- His Excellency Sharif Nasser bin Nasser bin Jamil

- His Excellency Sharif Fawwaz bin Zaben bin Abdullah

- His Excellency Sharif Zaid bin Fawwaz bin Zaben bin Abdullah

The special procession accompanying the body of the late Prince Muhammad will arrive at the mosque at 12:30 pm.

Attendants will perform Friday Prayer and the Funeral Prayer in the Royal Guards Mosque.

In compliance with public health and safety measures, the handshake ceremony to receive condolences will be canceled.