Government announces conditions for shisha provision in establishments


Published: 2021-05-30 18:42

Last Updated: 2024-07-18 16:12

Government announces conditions for shisha provision in establishments
Government announces conditions for shisha provision in establishments

As of June 15, establishments in Jordan will be allowed to provide shisha in establishments, under conditions set by the government in the context of confronting the coronavirus pandemic.

Facilities wishing to re-allow shisha must submit a request to the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, the Amman Chamber of Commerce (ACC), or the Tourism Directorate in their governorate to sign a pledge to abide by the approved health protocols.

Among the conditions announced by the government with the plan to reopen sectors - which begins June 1 in three phases - is that all workers in the facilities must receive a coronavirus vaccine, with 21 days having passed since receiving the first dose.

Also Read: New government measures revive hope for commercial, service sectors: JCC

The facility is allowed to receive customers, provided that they have received a jab, with 21 days having passed since they received the first dose.

Those under 18 years of age, over the age of 65 are not permitted to smoke shisha.

The government also stipulated that establishments work at a capacity of no more than 50 percent, so that they commit to maintaining a distance of two meters between tables, with no more than six people per table.

Prior to serving customers shisha, the entire shisha must be cleaned inside out with water and soap, and the appropriate disinfection methods must be taken according to public health instructions.

Disposable pipes must only be provided in establishments, with the plastic casing still intact so the customers themselves unpackage it.