Higher Education Ministry issues statement on summer semester in Jordanian universities


Published: 2021-06-17 15:11

Last Updated: 2024-07-14 10:19

Higher Education Ministry issues statement on summer semester in Jordanian universities
Higher Education Ministry issues statement on summer semester in Jordanian universities

Thursday, the Higher Education Council held a session headed by the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Mohammad Abu Qdais. In the session, it was decided to apply the following principles regarding the teaching mechanism in universities for the summer semester of the academic year 2020/2021.

- Bachelor's degree students:

1- All theoretical courses in all faculties are going to be held electronically.

2- The courses that require laboratories, workshops or practical or physical applications and cannot be held electronically (remotely), will be held on the university campus in the usual manner.

3- Courses of the clinical stage students in faculties of medicine (for the fourth, fifth and sixth years), students of dental faculties (for the fourth and fifth years), pharmacy students (the sixth year), and nursing students (the third and fourth years) will be held on the campus in the usual manner.

4- The comprehensive exam for students of the intermediate diploma stage is held on the university campus in the usual manner.

- Postgraduate students:

1- All postgraduate courses (higher diploma/master/doctorate) will be held on the university campus.

2- Discussions of postgraduate theses will be either held on the campus or electronically (remotely) and as decided by each university.

3- Comprehensive exams and university proficiency exams for students will be held on the university campus.

- International students who are outside the Kingdom:

The university gets to decide whether their lectures will be held electronically (remotely) in the courses that this decision stipulates to be held on the campus, with the exception of human medicine students in their clinical stages (fourth, fifth and sixth years), students of dental facilities (fourth and fifth years) pharmacy students (sixth year), and nursing students (third and fourth years).