Tawjihi students complain about difficulty of mathematics exam


Published: 2021-07-13 14:19

Last Updated: 2024-07-01 12:55

Tawjihi students complain about difficulty of mathematics exam
Tawjihi students complain about difficulty of mathematics exam

Tuesday, Tawjihi students complained about the difficulty of the mathematics exam, according to Roya's correspondent.

Tawjihi students said that the time for the exam was ‘not enough’ despite the fact that it was extended by half an hour. The students noted that some questions were very difficult and required more time.

During the mathematics exam, the Ministry of Education decided to extend the time of the exam until 1pm. Initially, the exam was supposed to end at 12:30pm.

Sunday, the Minister of Education Muhammad Abu Qdais announced that the time specified for the mathematics exam will be increased to five hours, at a rate of two and a half hours for each paper.

He stressed that the mathematics exam will not be difficult.