Photoshopped pictures force Egyptian girl to end her life


Published: 2022-01-05 17:06

Last Updated: 2023-11-17 15:17

Photoshopped pictures force Egyptian girl to end her life
Photoshopped pictures force Egyptian girl to end her life

A 17-year-old female, later identified as Basant Khalid, committed suicide after two young men photoshopped her pictures and posted them on Facebook.

According to local media, Basant, who was residing in Kafr El-Zayat, Gharbia Governorate, committed suicide after two young men photoshopped pictures of her using a photo-editing program and then posted them on Facebook to blackmail her.

After the father saw his daughter's fake pictures, he got very angry. Basant told her father that she was innocent and the photos were fake, and that someone had contacted her over the phone and told her that there will be a scandal waiting for her if she did not agree to an extramarital affair.

The girl could not bear the social consequences of the spread of these fabricated pictures, so she decided to end her life, leaving behind a suicide note, according to several local media outlets.

In the suicide note, she wrote "Mama, I cannot handle this, I am really tired."

She continued that it was not her in the picture and that is not who she is, and that she was raised well.

The incident occurred last week, when the Gharbia Governorate Security Directorate received information that a 17-year-old had ended her life by taking toxic substances.

Basant's death caused great shock and grief. As a result, the hashtag ‘Basant Khaled’s right must be taken back’ was circulated on social media platforms in Egypt, and users demanded that those involved in the incident be punished.

The two individuals involved in the case were arrested.