Morocco reopens embassy in Iraq after 18 years


Published: 2023-01-28 17:55

Last Updated: 2024-07-10 18:24

Morocco reopens embassy in Iraq after 18 years
Morocco reopens embassy in Iraq after 18 years

Saturday, Morocco announced the reopening of its embassy in Baghdad, as reported by AFP.

During a joint presser with the Iraqi Foreign Minister Fouad Hussein in Baghdad, Morocco's Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita said "[The visit] is marked by the re-opening, from today, of the Moroccan embassy which was closed 18 years ago, as a strong signal illustrating the depth of relations."

Hussein said "We discussed creating a mechanism to bring together businessmen and investors from both sides as well as establishing a forum for businessmen from both countries."

He also expressed his country's position in "supporting Morocco's territorial integrity."

Bourita countinued saying "It's the first visit to Baghdad by a Moroccan foreign minister since 25 years and a Moroccan official since two decades. Based on this, it represents a strong signal."