Israeli Occupation’s readiness to relief Syria shows 'double standards,' says Barghouti


Published: 2023-02-11 21:39

Last Updated: 2024-07-04 09:07

Israeli Occupation’s readiness to relief Syria shows 'double standards,' says Barghouti
Israeli Occupation’s readiness to relief Syria shows 'double standards,' says Barghouti

A Palestinian activist slammed the Israeli Occupation's alleged readiness to help Syria, when they continue to bring houses to the ground in Palestine.

Member of the Palestinian National Initiative Movement Mustafa Al-Barghouti described the Israeli Occupation as "hypocritical" and their offers to help as "lies."

Barghouti told Roya that the Israeli Occupation practices the worst forms of "double standards," as they repeatedly bomb Palestine, adding that they have also hindered the delivery of humanitarian aid to Syria following the deadly earthquake.

He said that if the Israeli Occupation government is sincere regarding human rights, it must stop the violations it practices against Palestinians on a daily basis, referring to the blockade of the Gaza Strip for years as an example of their many wrongdoings.

Barghouti stressed that the Israeli Occupation practices "clear racial discrimination towards Palestinians through many attempts to Judaize Jerusalem."