Crown Prince commemorates Karameh Battle


Published: 2023-03-21 13:54

Last Updated: 2024-07-10 03:28

Crown Prince commemorates Karameh Battle
Crown Prince commemorates Karameh Battle

His Royal Highness Crown Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II posted on his Instagram account a video showing pictures of the Battle of Al Karameh.

The Crown Prince wrote: "As we pay tribute today to the veterans and martyrs of Al Karamah Battle, who gave their lives to protect this homeland, we also stand in awe of the mothers who instilled in them the will, determination, and courage to fight to safeguard this great nation’s liberty."

Also Read: King attends ceremony to mark 55th anniversary of Karameh

March 21 of each year, Jordanians commemorate the anniversary of the Karameh Battle, which represents an important turning point in the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict, especially since it came after the June 1967 war, also known as "Al Naksa."

Jordan won the battle against the Israeli Occupation in the Karameh Battle.

The battle began when the Israeli Occupation Forces attempted to cross into Jordanian territory at 5:30 am on Thursday, March 21, 1968, when they launched a sudden attack with military force, in order to defeat the Jordanian Armed Forces and occupy the western heights of Jordan.