Jordanian companies climb digital ladder of the world


Published: 2023-04-15 17:30

Last Updated: 2023-11-17 20:52

Editor: Ro'a Hanini

Jordanian companies climb digital ladder of the world
Jordanian companies climb digital ladder of the world

Startup Replit Inc. became one of the many Jordanian companies to partner up with international tycoons after the startup’s latest collaboration with Google to help programmers write code by joining its software with the AI language models by Google’s Alphabet Inc.

This was not the first time a Jordanian company expanded or was acquired by regional and international markets.

Most notable acquisitions were when Jawaker, the Jordan-based online card game studio, was bought by global gaming company Stillfront Group in a USD 205 million deal in September 2021, according to a report by Magnitt.

Additionally, the Saudi-based foodtech startup Foodics acquired in January 2022 the Jordanian restaurant cloud technology provider POSRocket, for an undisclosed amount.

Lastly, in August 2009, US Internet giant Yahoo! signed a deal to purchase popular Jordan-based web portal Maktoob which was the most significant push into the Arabic market by a major internet company.

- ‘Build safer investment environment’ -

Former Minister of Information and Communications Technology, Marwan Jumaa, told Roya that such achievements are marvelous for Jordanians but “we must place our investments in the human intellect which is the country’s most important resource.”

He added that this means a better environment must be created so as to attract young innovators and entrepreneurs “to keep their investments and headquarters inside Jordan instead of driving them away.”

This can be done, according to the Former Minister, by improving the country’s laws, regulations and infrastructure to become the absolute best worldwide.

- AI in Jordan -

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Jordan witnessed a rise in the past period as the government recognized the leading role of AI in the development of a sustainable digital-led economy.

Jordan had presented its AI strategy and implementation roadmap in November 2022 which included a five-year implementation plan based on 68 selected projects with a clear vision on how to develop the country’s AI ecosystem.

The projects introduce digital infrastructure and AI technologies set to accelerate economic development, attract investment and create sustainable opportunities for employment, innovation and entrepreneurship.