Three women in Jordan murdered within week for 'honor'


Published: 2023-05-13 15:39

Last Updated: 2023-11-17 13:22

Three women in Jordan murdered within week for 'honor'
Three women in Jordan murdered within week for 'honor'

In only one week, three ‘honor crimes’ took place in Jordan according to investigations conducted by the Public Prosecutor for the Grand Criminal Court.

The Public Prosecutor arrested three men, including a father in his forties, in connection with the three murders. The perpetrators are currently being held in the Correction and Rehabilitation Center, with their detention period initially set at 15 days, subject to renewal.

The Public Prosecutor has charged each of the three detainees with premeditated murder, according to the provisions of Article 328/1 of the Penal Code. The penalty for such a crime, when criminalized, can be death by hanging.

In the first case, a 48-year-old father set his 19-year-old daughter on fire while she was asleep. He poured gasoline around her bed and inside her room, subsequently sealing the room before igniting the fire. The victim, who was a mother of two young children, had married at the age of 16 but separated from her first husband after a year. She then remarried, but her second marriage also ended prior to the incident. The father confessed during questioning by the Public Prosecutor that he suspected his daughter's behavior, leading him to decide to burn her to death. Following the crime, he surrendered himself to the authorities.

In the second case, a man in his thirties killed his 19-year-old sister by slitting her throat with a knife. The act occurred after a verbal altercation between them, triggered by his suspicion of her behavior.
According to a source, the brother, who stands accused of killing his sister, confessed during interrogations that he took his sister's life after becoming suspicious of her being in a relationship with someone.
The source revealed that the perpetrator retrieved a knife from the kitchen and proceeded to slit his sister's neck, leaving her lifeless body on the floor drenched in blood. Subsequently, he surrendered himself to the security center.

In the third case, a man in his forties fatally stabbed his sister in her twenties multiple times in the neck and chest. A verbal dispute erupted between them over his suspicions regarding her behavior, specifically her association with someone.

The investigations into these three cases are still ongoing under the supervision of the Public Prosecutor for the Grand Criminal Court.