VIDEO: King Abdullah II presides over celebration of Jordan's 77th Independence Day


Published: 2023-05-25 18:17

Last Updated: 2024-07-07 23:37

VIDEO: King Abdullah II presides over celebration of Jordan's 77th Independence Day
VIDEO: King Abdullah II presides over celebration of Jordan's 77th Independence Day

King Abdullah II of Jordan presides over the official national celebration commemorating the 77th Independence Day of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The event is graced by the presence of Queen Rania Al Abdullah and Crown Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II.

During the celebration, King Abdullah II and the attendees will reflect on the significance of Jordan's independence and the country's progressive journey under the leadership of the Hashemite dynasty, marked by achievements, development, and prosperity.

As King Abdullah II arrives, a ceremonial procession accompanies him, with the firing of 21 shots by the artillery.

The festivities include multimedia presentations highlighting the modernization vision of the nation, encompassing political, economic, and administrative aspects. It also showcases notable individuals and their remarkable accomplishments, who will be honored by the King on this momentous national day.

During the event, King Abdullah II confers royal medals upon a group of outstanding Jordanians from diverse sectors, recognizing their significant contributions, unwavering dedication to serving the country and its citizens, and their notable achievements.