Israeli Occupation storms Gaza Monday


Published: 2023-05-29 11:58

Last Updated: 2024-07-04 00:39

Israeli Occupation storms Gaza Monday
Israeli Occupation storms Gaza Monday

Palestinian territories in Gaza City and Rafah faced an incursion by Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) on Monday morning.

Reports indicate that the IOF, accompanied by bulldozers and military vehicles, advanced several meters into Palestinian lands located east of the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza and the Al-Nahda neighborhood in Rafah. These incursions involved leveling operations in the respective areas.

In a separate development, the National Office for Defending the Land and Resisting Settlements, part of the Palestine Liberation Organization, confirmed that Israeli Occupation authorities recently approved the construction of over 3,000 new settlement units in the West Bank and occupied Jerusalem.

The office highlighted that among these approvals were more than 600 units in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, east of Jerusalem, as well as 615 units in the major Jerusalem settlements of "Pisgat Ze'ev."

Similar actions were taken in the northern West Bank, including the establishment of a new settlement in Salfit Governorate.