Private schools to welcome students back to class Sunday


Published: 2023-09-01 12:43

Last Updated: 2024-07-10 22:18

Private schools to welcome students back to class Sunday
Private schools to welcome students back to class Sunday

Private schools will begin receiving students on Sunday, September 3, announced the Ministry of Education.

Munther Al-Sourani, the head of the Private School Owners’ Syndicate, stated that the approximately 3,000 private schools across the Kingdom are fully prepared to welcome students with all necessary facilities, study materials, and books.

Also Read: Around 1.7 million students return to schools Sunday

In an interview with Roya, Sourani urged private school owners to comply with the Ministry of Labor's instructions regarding minimum wage and school fees, given the current economic conditions.

Sourani further mentioned that the Ministry of Labor will conduct inspection campaigns on private schools to ensure adherence to regulations and guidelines.

Public school students returned to their classes on August 20.