King Abdullah addresses UN General Assembly: Calls for action on refugees, Palestine


Published: 2023-09-19 19:11

Last Updated: 2024-07-14 06:27

King Abdullah addresses UN General Assembly: Calls for action on refugees, Palestine
King Abdullah addresses UN General Assembly: Calls for action on refugees, Palestine

His Majesty King Abdullah, accompanied by Crown Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II and Prince Hashem bin Abdullah II, addressed the 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly held in New York.

In his speech, King Abdullah stated that Jordan will protect itself against potential threats arising from the Syrian crisis to the nation's national security. He emphasized that the future of Syrian refugees lies in their homeland, not host countries, but until they are able to return, the world must do right by them.

Regarding the Palestinian issue, King Abdullah highlighted that a political solution to the conflict cannot be achieved without clarity about the Palestinians' future. He called attention to ongoing challenges, such as settlement building, land confiscations, and home demolitions, and urged against abandoning Palestinian refugees.

King Abdullah affirmed Jordan's commitment to preserving Jerusalem's identity, under the Hashemite Custodianship of Islamic and Christian holy sites.

Moreover, King Abdullah expressed concerns about the waning international attention towards refugees and emphasized the need for global solidarity and sustainable funding for UNRWA, which provides vital services to Palestinian refugees.

In his concluding remarks, King Abdullah called for action to prevent a lost generation and stressed the importance of restoring trust and acting in solidarity to create a better future for all people.

The Jordanian delegation at the UNGA included Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi, Director of the Office of His Majesty Jafar Hassan, and Jordan’s Permanent Representative to the UN Mahmoud Hmoud.