King: No peace without Palestinian state


Published: 2023-10-11 14:12

Last Updated: 2023-11-17 23:42

King: No peace without Palestinian state
King: No peace without Palestinian state

His Majesty King Abdullah II Wednesday reaffirmed Jordan’s unwavering position on the Palestinian cause, during which His Majesty delivered a speech from the throne at the third ordinary session of the 19th Parliament.

His Majesty started by saying: "The dangerous escalation and acts of violence and aggression currently taking place in the Palestinian Territories are proof that confirms, once again, that our region will never be secure nor stable without achieving just and comprehensive peace on the basis of the two-state solution, in order for the Palestinian people to gain their independent and sovereign state on the June 4th, 1967 lines, with East Jerusalem as its capital, and so that the cycles of killing—whose ultimate victims are innocent civilians—end."

"For there can be no security, no peace, and no stability without a just and comprehensive peace, to which the only way can be through the two-state solution," His Majesty continued.

"Our compass will always point to Palestine, with Jerusalem in its heart, and we will never falter in defending its interests and just cause, until the brotherly Palestinian people regain their legitimate rights in full, in order for our region and all our peoples to enjoy peace, which is a right and a necessity for us all," His Majesty added.

"Jordan’s position will remain unwavering, and we will not abandon our role—no matter the challenges—in safeguarding Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem, under the Hashemite Custodianship," His Majesty said.

"And Jordan will remain on the side of its Arab brethren, exerting all efforts to stand with them," His Majesty concluded.