Jordan's FM criticizes double standards on Gaza, Ukraine


Published: 2023-10-16 00:22

Last Updated: 2024-07-05 15:46

Jordan's FM criticizes double standards on Gaza, Ukraine
Jordan's FM criticizes double standards on Gaza, Ukraine

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Ayman Safadi met Sunday with the British Foreign Secretary James Cleverly on the sidelines of the meetings conducted by His Majesty King Abdullah II during his European tour, which began in London earlier today.

The tour aims to garner international support for efforts to halt the violence and war on Gaza, protect civilians, and urgently deliver humanitarian aid to the region.

Safadi stated in an interview with Al Jazeera from London that the discussions with European officials will focus on the imperative to halt the violence and war on Gaza, provide humanitarian assistance to Gazans, protect civilians, and emphasize that war will only bring destruction.

He emphasized that the path to achieving security and peace in the region lies in fulfilling the rights of the Palestinian people to their freedom and their state on their national soil.

Safadi stated that we cannot remain silent about what is happening in Gaza. He emphasized, "Our voice must be heard by the whole world clearly. This is part of the effort led by His Majesty the King now to say 'enough killing, enough destruction,' and civilians must be protected, aid must be delivered, and the rights of the Palestinian people must be fully met."

Safadi also stressed that "Israelis" will not achieve security unless Palestinians achieve their security and rights.

In his interviews with Al Jazeera and BBC, Safadi highlighted that common human values require condemning the killing of Palestinian civilians just as the world and Arabs have condemned the killing of Israeli civilians. "The Palestinian is no less human than the Israeli," and this message that the world must realize and that standards and human, ethical values should be unified without discrimination based on identity or nationality.

Safadi stated in his remarks in both interviews, "Why is blocking access to food and medicine for civilians considered a war crime in Ukraine but not in Gaza?"

Safadi emphasized that the danger of the war's escalation is a real threat that Jordan and the entire region fear because if it happens, the entire region will fall into the abyss of a war that will only bring destruction.

He affirmed Jordan's stance against the displacement of Gazans and all Palestinians from their homeland.