Netherlands, Ukraine urge citizens to leave Lebanon


Published: 2023-10-20 12:08

Last Updated: 2023-11-17 23:38

Netherlands, Ukraine urge citizens to leave Lebanon
Netherlands, Ukraine urge citizens to leave Lebanon

In light of the recent events between the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) and Gaza, the Dutch government issued a warning to its citizens, advising against traveling to Lebanon.

Furthermore, it strongly urged Dutch nationals who are currently in Lebanon to promptly exit the country.

This advisory aligns with similar recommendations made by various other European nations concerned about the deteriorating situation in Lebanon.

- Ukraine -

Concurrently, the Embassy of Ukraine has also acknowledged the precarious security circumstances in the Lebanese Republic.

In response, they have recommended that Ukrainian citizens postpone any travel plans to Lebanon until stability is restored. For those Ukrainians already within Lebanon's borders, the embassy advised their swift departure from the country to ensure their safety.

- United States -

Additionally, the US Embassy in Beirut encouraged American citizens to make arrangements for their departure as soon as possible, utilizing available commercial flight options.

The situation on the border between southern Lebanon and occupied Palestine has witnessed exchanges of gunfire involving Hezbollah fighters and the IOF. These exchanges are a response to the IsraeliOoccupation's actions in Gaza, further contributing to regional instability and security concerns.