Turkey calls on the world to 'cease support for Israel'


Published: 2023-11-16 13:53

Last Updated: 2023-11-17 23:36

Turkey calls on the world to 'cease support for Israel'
Turkey calls on the world to 'cease support for Israel'

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan urged world nations on Thursday to stop their support for the Israeli Occupation.

Additionally, he called for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

Fidan emphasized that turning a blind eye to Tel Aviv's brutality signifies approval, affirming that Turkey stands in solidarity with Palestinians in their just cause, working towards a two-state solution for regional stability.

Also Read: 'Israel is a terrorist state': Erdogan

Earlier, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan condemned the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) strategy to "completely destroy the Gaza Strip," in a speech on Wednesday before the Turkish Parliament.

"[Israeli Occupation] is blatantly committing war crimes, and the Western world's consciousness is motionless," he added, "I will say it clearly, [the Israeli Occupation] is a terrorist state."

"Hamas is a political party, they have partaken in elections in Gaza and won...those are clear facts," he added, "they are looking for their rights that were stolen away by the United States and the Israeli Occupation."

"The Israeli Occupation clearly possesses nuclear weapons and is threatening everyone with it and we know that very well."

"We will use our diplomatic capabilities to its full extent to stop this barbaric attack against the Gaza Strip."