'Israeli army' deliberately destroys Gaza: Netherlands Embassy in Tel Aviv


Published: 2023-11-18 21:42

Last Updated: 2024-07-02 02:54

'Israeli army' deliberately destroys Gaza: Netherlands Embassy in Tel Aviv
'Israeli army' deliberately destroys Gaza: Netherlands Embassy in Tel Aviv

The Norwegian Refugee Council website, citing a confidential memo from the Dutch defense attache in Tel Aviv, reported that the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) deliberately caused massive destruction to the infrastructure and civilian centers in the Gaza Strip.

According to the report from "Ultra Palestine," the confidential memo stated that Tel Aviv is using disproportionate force in Gaza and intentionally destroying infrastructure, including residential complexes, roads and bridges.

This contributes to the high number of casualties and constitutes a violation of international treaties and laws of war.

The memo revealed that achieving a clear military victory over Hamas is not possible.

Even if the movement were entirely eliminated, its ideology would persist.

The Dutch embassy is aware that Tel Aviv does not have a clear strategy.

The results in the confidential memo contradict the recent public statements made by the IOF, which claims to do its utmost to prevent the targeting of Palestinian civilians.

The embassy wrote that the IOF chooses a ruthless military approach that leads to the death of a large number of Palestinian civilians.

The Dutch embassy is aware that the Israeli Occupation, knowingly and deliberately, adopts a military strategy that causes extensive destruction to civilian infrastructure and centers.

This intentional destruction of civilian targets contradicts the laws of war.

The embassy further stated that the Israeli Occupation wants to showcase its military strength through its attack on Gaza to Iran and its allies, demonstrating that it will stop at nothing.

The Dutch defense attache fears that this stance increases the likelihood of regional escalation.

According to the memo, the current action is primarily driven by the need to deliver a decisive blow to Hamas, but there is a prevailing sense that events may extend beyond that.

The leaked memo also reflects the Dutch military attache's concern about the Israeli Occupation's leaked plans to forcibly relocate over two million Palestinians in Gaza, temporarily or otherwise, to the Egyptian Sinai Desert.

While the Israeli Occupation's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described this plan as hypothetical, the Dutch embassy takes it seriously, titling the report "Thinking the Unthinkable."

The report notes that many Israeli Occupation settlers, including parliamentarians, advisers and soldiers, do not reject this option as extreme but see it as a realistic possibility.

This leaked memo from the Dutch embassy in Tel Aviv is the third recent indication of criticism within the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding Dutch support for Tel Aviv, according to the largest Dutch news agency, NOS.