Families of captives attack Ben Gvir over execution of Palestinian prisoners bill


Published: 2023-11-20 14:21

Last Updated: 2024-07-04 09:13

Families of captives attack Ben Gvir over execution of Palestinian prisoners bill
Families of captives attack Ben Gvir over execution of Palestinian prisoners bill

The Forum for Detainees and Missing Persons in the Gaza Strip opposed the discussion of the "Execution of Palestinian Prisoners" bill during a special session held by a parliamentary committee affiliated with the Knesset, as a prelude to presenting the bill for the General Assembly's first reading.

They considered that the discussion puts the lives of their loved ones at risk.

A heated verbal altercation occurred during the session between Knesset member Almog Cohen, affiliated with the 'Otzma Yehudit' party led by Itamar Ben Gvir, and the families of captives in Gaza.

In a statement issued by Ben Gvir, he stated that the "Execution of Palestinian Prisoners" law is no longer a matter of left and right but has become a moral and vital law for the occupying state.

Ben Gvir called on Knesset members from all political blocs to support the law, believing that he is "confident that the law will receive overwhelming support from Knesset members."

Ben Gvir, supported by Israeli Occupation's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, presented a preliminary reading of the bill in March, allowing the imposition of the death penalty on Palestinian prisoners convicted of intentionally causing the death of Israeli Occupation settlers due to racist motives or hatred, inflicting harm on the occupying state.

The proposed law stipulates "imposing the death penalty on anyone who intentionally or negligently causes the death of a settler for racist reasons or hatred and harms the state of occupation."

The families of detainees organize continuous protests in Tel Aviv, demanding that the Israeli Occupation government take steps to return their relatives who were held captive by the Palestinian resistance during Operation Aqsa Typhoon on Oct. 7.