Last weather instability contributed 25% to annual rainfall in Irbid, Ajloun


Published: 2023-11-21 13:10

Last Updated: 2024-07-14 08:48

Last weather instability contributed 25% to annual rainfall in Irbid, Ajloun
Last weather instability contributed 25% to annual rainfall in Irbid, Ajloun

The recent weather instability that affected Jordan Monday contributed to approximately a quarter of the annual rainfall since the beginning of the rainy season in the governorates of Irbid and Ajloun.

According to the statistical report from the Meteorological Department, the rainfall rate for the season reached 27 percent in Irbid, with a total of 108 mm in the past 24 hours and 122.5 mm since the start of the rainy season.

In the area of Ras Munif in Ajloun, the rainfall rate for the season was 23 percent, totaling 114.6 mm in the past 24 hours and 135 mm since the beginning of the season.

As for Shobak in the Tafilah Governorate, the rainfall rate for the season was 35 percent, with a total of 71 mm in the past 24 hours and 87.4 mm since the start of the rainy season.

The performance of the rainy season in terms of expected rainfall during the same period each year was 486 percent in Shoubak, 334 percent in Irbid, and 261 percent in Ajloun.

According to the Ministry of Water and Irrigation, Jordan's dams stored around seven million cubic meters of rainwater during the recent weather system.

In a statement on Tuesday, the ministry reported that the inflow of rainwater and river runoff into the dams amounted to approximately 6.7 million cubic meters.

The total storage capacity in the 15 main dams increased to 72 million cubic meters, representing 25 percent of their total storage capacity of 288,128 million cubic meters.