What will weather be like Wednesday, Thursday?


Published: 2023-12-06 15:58

Last Updated: 2024-07-08 10:07

What will weather be like Wednesday, Thursday?
What will weather be like Wednesday, Thursday?

Wednesday’s weather will be relatively cold to cold in most areas, and partly cloudy with scattered rain showers, especially in northern Jordan. Wind direction will be variable and with slow speeds.

Fog will possibly form late Wednesday night and early Thursday morning over mountainous areas in the north and central parts of the kingdom, as well as in parts of the eastern plains and desert.

During daylight hours Thursday, the weather will be relatively cold in various regions. With Clouds forming at different altitudes, in addition to scattered rain showers north of the Kingdom in the morning. The winds will be light to moderate in speed and variable in direction.

Thursday night, weather will be generally cold, partly cloudy to cloudy with clouds forming at different altitudes. The winds will be light to moderate in speed and variable in direction, as forecasted by "ArabiaWeather."