PHOTOS - Jordan airdrops medical supplies for Gaza field hospital


Published: 2023-12-06 23:50

Last Updated: 2024-07-10 19:02

PHOTOS - Jordan airdrops medical supplies for Gaza field hospital
PHOTOS - Jordan airdrops medical supplies for Gaza field hospital

An aircraft of the Royal Jordanian Air Force (RJAF) airdropped urgent medical supplies using parachutes for the Jordanian military Field Hospital/2 in Khan Yunis south of the Gaza Strip..

This step is part of the royal directives and the ongoing efforts of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to stand by the Palestinian people during the Israeli Occupation aggression against Gaza.

The second Jordanian field hospital in Gaza commenced its operations and began receiving patients on November 27; and was dispatched in order to deal with the medical needs of the Gaza Strip during the war.

The hospital, the first to enter Gaza since the October 7, includes departments for emergency, general internal medicine, ICU, men's and women's health, prematurity (with 41 incubators), obstetrics and gynecology, along with a laboratory, pharmacy, radiology, sterilization room, and two operating rooms for urgent surgeries.

The 145-member staff comprises medical and nursing teams from the Royal Medical Services, specializing in various surgical fields and administration.