Lavrov warns of US role in escalating Middle East crisis


Published: 2024-02-13 15:44

Last Updated: 2024-07-04 13:45

Lavrov warns of US role in escalating Middle East crisis
Lavrov warns of US role in escalating Middle East crisis

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov warned against the United States pushing the entire Middle East region towards catastrophe during his participation in the 13th session of the Valdai Discussion Club in Moscow today, Tuesday.

Lavrov spoke about the recent escalation in the Middle East, stating, "It is clear that we need to find a way out of this disastrous situation, and with the catastrophe looming, it is our American colleagues who are pushing Palestine, Israel, and the entire Middle East towards disaster."

Lavrov expressed concerns that the US and its allies are aiming to solidify their dominance in the Middle East while attempting to exclude Russia from international efforts aimed at fostering peace and stability in the region.

He further noted that the repercussions of the current escalation in Gaza are extending to other areas, such as the West Bank, Syria, and Iraq, where military operations and missile attacks are occurring, including targeting US bases.

Additionally, Lavrov highlighted the deteriorating situation in the Red Sea and Yemen, with unlawful aggressive airstrikes by the United States and Britain exacerbating tensions.

He emphasized that the unresolved Palestinian issue, coupled with the failure to establish a viable Palestinian state, remains a significant factor contributing to instability and violence in the Middle East.

Lavrov highlighted Russia's proposal for a Security Council resolution calling for a ceasefire on October 15, which was blocked by the United States. Despite subsequent attempts by other Security Council members, including the UAE, to push for a similar resolution, they were unsuccessful.

Lavrov also highlighted US efforts to prevent voting on a draft resolution regarding the Gaza situation, presented by Algeria at the United Nations Security Council in January.