“Worrying escalation” along southern Lebanon border, says UNIFIL


Published: 2024-02-15 15:02

Last Updated: 2024-07-07 19:34

“Worrying escalation” along southern Lebanon border, says UNIFIL
“Worrying escalation” along southern Lebanon border, says UNIFIL

The spokesperson for UNIFIL (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon), Andrea Tenenti, confirmed that the southern border area of Lebanon has witnessed a worrying escalation in recent days in terms of exchanges of fire, including targeting areas far from the Blue Line — the border between Lebanon and the occupied Palestinian territories.

"The escalation of the conflict has resulted in a very large number of casualties, tragically including the lives of children, and has caused significant damage to homes and public infrastructure, endangering the livelihoods of thousands of civilians."

"Attacks targeting civilians are violations of international law and constitute war crimes," he stated, emphasizing that "the destruction, loss of life, and injuries we have witnessed are deeply concerning, urging all parties involved to immediately cease hostile actions to prevent further escalation."

He affirmed that "diplomatic efforts must be intensified to restore stability and ensure the safety of civilians residing near the Blue Line. Meanwhile, UNIFIL continues to work closely with all parties to de-escalate tensions, and peacekeepers continue their operations on the ground despite the challenges they face."