Quadrilateral meeting between Interior Ministers of Jordan, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon


Published: 2024-02-17 11:18

Last Updated: 2024-07-13 06:15

Quadrilateral meeting between Interior Ministers of Jordan, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon
Quadrilateral meeting between Interior Ministers of Jordan, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon

A quadrilateral meeting took place in the Jordanian capital, Amman, where the interior ministers of Jordan, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon met, along with security directors and internal security officials from the participating countries and their ambassadors in Amman - to discuss the scourge of drugs, combat it, and enhance cooperation in this regard.

Participating in the meeting are the General Director of Public Security, Major General Obaidallah Al-Muhayyat, Advisor to the Iraqi Minister of Interior, Lieutenant General Ziad Ali, the Syrian Drug Enforcement Administration Director, Major General Nidal Jareeh, and the Secretary-General of the Central Lebanese Internal Security Council, Colonel Sami Nasseef.

Tareq Al-Majali, the spokesperson for the Ministry of Interior, stated that the meeting aims to discuss the drug problem, combat it, and enhance cooperation in this framework to confront the common challenges that have become a threat to the communities in the region, where this scourge has become one of the most prominent problems threatening social peace.

Al-Majali added that the meeting is exploring ways to enhance security cooperation to ensure the achievement of the highest national interests in the countries of the region.