PHOTOS - Prince Ghazi inaugurates Three Holy Hierarchs church in Jerash


Published: 2024-02-19 16:04

Last Updated: 2024-07-23 16:50

PHOTOS - Prince Ghazi inaugurates Three Holy Hierarchs church in Jerash
PHOTOS - Prince Ghazi inaugurates Three Holy Hierarchs church in Jerash

On behalf of His Majesty King Abdullah II, His Royal Highness Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad, the Chief Advisor for Religious and Cultural Affairs and Personal Envoy of His Majesty, inaugurated Sunday the Three Holy Hierarchs Greek Orthodox Church, situated in the Orthodox Center project in Dibeen, Jerash Governorate - in the presence of Her Royal Highness Princess Miriam Ghazi.

The inauguration of the church was attended by His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos III, Patriarch of the Holy City of Jerusalem and all Palestine and Jordan, along with a number of priests.

Bishop Christoforos Atallah, the Orthodox Archbishop of Jordan, stated that the opening of the church coincides with the 25-year anniversary since His Majesty King Abdullah II assumed his constitutional powers (the Silver Jubilee of His Majesty's accession to the throne), affirming that Jordan serves as a model for religious coexistence and a sanctuary for the peaceful and a haven for security and stability.

He mentioned that the church will cater to the needs of youth and serve as a venue for conferences and intellectual and cultural exchanges, as well as serving the local community.

He expressed gratitude for the generous donation provided by Issa Nasif Odeh for the completion of the church's construction.

The Three Holy Hierarchs Greek Orthodox Church is the first in Jordan to bear this name and is located within the Orthodox Center adjacent to the Monastery of the Virgin Mary in Dibeen, named after Saints Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom.

The architectural designs of the church incorporate Jordanian heritage construction techniques with a Byzantine and Roman architectural spirit.

Next Friday, the church will witness its first mass, attended by officials, the public, and citizens from various governorates of the Kingdom.