King receives Algeria’s Lower House President


Published: 2024-02-20 17:19

Last Updated: 2024-07-07 11:56

King receives Algeria’s Lower House President
King receives Algeria’s Lower House President

His Majesty King Abdullah II received the President of the Algerian People's National Assembly, Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, at Al-Husseiniya Palace on Tuesday.

His Majesty affirmed the depth of the fraternal and historical relations between Jordan and Algeria, emphasizing the keenness to expand cooperation in all fields, particularly at the parliamentary level.

Furthermore, His Majesty reaffirmed Jordan's support for Algeria in its international endeavors as a non-permanent member of the Security Council, in service of Arab issues, foremost among them the Palestinian cause, and in preserving international peace and security.

His Majesty commended Algeria's diplomatic efforts to reach a ceasefire in Gaza and support for the brothers and sisters in the region through humanitarian assistance.

His Majesty stressed the necessity of intensifying efforts to immediately reach a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, protecting civilians, and ensuring the delivery and sustainability of humanitarian aid.

The meeting was attended by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Ahmed Safadi, and His Majesty's Office Director, Dr. Jafar Hassan.