PHOTOS - Armed Forces carry out 12th medical airdrop operation to Gaza


Published: 2024-02-21 23:03

Last Updated: 2024-07-13 06:33

PHOTOS - Armed Forces carry out 12th medical airdrop operation to Gaza
PHOTOS - Armed Forces carry out 12th medical airdrop operation to Gaza

A military source in the General Command of the Jordanian Armed Forces - the Arab Army stated that, under the directives of His Majesty the King, a Royal Air Force (RAF) plane carried out, on Wednesday, the twelfth airdrop of urgent medical aid. This time, it was delivered to the Jordanian Field Hospital Gaza/77.

The airdrop operation was conducted in cooperation with the British side to enhance the hospital's capabilities and increase the capacity of medical staff to provide healthcare and treatment services to alleviate the suffering of the people in the Gaza Strip.

This step comes as a continuation of the efforts of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to stand by its brethren amidst the war on the Gaza Strip.

The Armed Forces affirmed that the hospital continues its operations despite facing difficult conditions due to the war on Gaza.


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