JHCO dispatches 55th medical aid plane to Gaza


Published: 2024-02-22 17:55

Last Updated: 2024-07-13 05:42

JHCO dispatches 55th medical aid plane to Gaza
JHCO dispatches 55th medical aid plane to Gaza

The Jordanian Hashemite Charity Organization (JHCO) announced Thursday that it has dispatched a new medical aid plane for the residents of the Gaza Strip to be delivered through the Rafah Border Crossing situated on the Egyptian border with the Strip.

The plane, sent in cooperation with the Jordanian Armed Forces (JAF) and in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriate Affairs, with joint support from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), carried medicine and medical supplies.

Dr. Hussein Al-Shibli, Secretary-General of the JHCO, stated in a press release that the organization has sent the cargo of the new plane as part of Jordan's efforts to support the health sector in Gaza.

"We prioritize our list to help the people in Gaza, with a special focus on supporting the health sector based on the continuous information we receive about the worsening situation on the ground," Al-Shibli added.

He noted that the organization, under the directives of His Majesty the King, does not hesitate for a moment and spares no effort in sending aid to our people in Gaza, noting that work is ongoing to send more aid in the coming days.

The number of planes sent from Jordan to our people in Gaza has reached 55 planes loaded with medical, food, and relief supplies.

The Jordanian Hashemite Charity Organization continues to receive cash donations through its bank account at Union Bank with account number (JO32 UBSI 1030 0000 4010 1659 9151 06) or through e-wallets or through “CliQ” (JHCOGAZA), as well as "eFAWATEERCOM" and through its website (www.jhco.org.jo).

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