Gallant's message infuriates Netanyahu, Hebrew newspaper reports


Published: 2024-02-25 13:47

Last Updated: 2024-07-13 06:05

Israeli Occupation Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu
Israeli Occupation Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant assured Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that he will align with Minister Benny Gantz regarding haredi recruitment into the Israeli Occupation military.

Haredim refers to ultra-Orthodox Jews, who adhere strictly to traditional Jewish religious practices and often prioritize religious study over secular education and military service.

Netanyahu reportedly reacted furiously to Gallant's message and threatened to veto the legislation if it were to be presented for consideration, as per a Hebrew newspaper report.

The State Party of Gantz perceives their participation in a wartime Israeli Occupation government as both an opportunity and a duty to advocate for legislation mandating service for Haredim. However, Haredi parties have been obstructing this legislation, intending to address the conscription issue after the municipal elections this Tuesday.

Israeli Occupation Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara emphasized in her response to the High Court that if primary legislation exempting Haredim from conscription was not progressed by April, the state would be compelled to initiate their conscription.

Currently, the exemption for Haredim remains in effect due to a government resolution from the summer, which suspended their conscription to facilitate legislative progress on the matter. However, this decision is anticipated to expire by the end of March.

The Israeli Occupation government refrained from advancing the issue due to the ongoing war in Gaza.

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